Monday, December 7, 2009

What is that THING?

No paronomasia (pun) intended;)...For all those nubes to the Fantastic 4 team, Benjamin Grimm was one of the people that got introduced to the same accident that changed Victor into Dr. Doom, Sue into the Invisible Girl, and Johny into Torch. But Ben got the short end of the stick and turned into a man covered in rock which causes him to weigh a mere 500 lbs. What a solid beast...haha. He actually is an impressive fighter for his size, being very flexible, agile, and aquiring reflexes that are above avg. Overall, the THING has superhuman strength as you might've suggested and is quite durable.

Cat Woman

I'm not gonna lie, Halle Barry made Cat Woman look good...In this movie she whoops some as$ and doesn't unite with Batman like the older movie where cat woman was introduced. If you haven't seen the movie it is actually pretty good, but I wouldn't spend too much money in order to watch it. You think Halle Barry was a good Cat Woman to those who have actually seen it?

CUKOO for coco puffs!

Haha I thought it was a good title...This female superhero was commonly known as Kay Cera before she was able to turn into Cukoo. In this form she uses extremely powerful telepathic abilities. She can also make control others minds and also transfer her mental ideas into other people or in other words she can turn into a dog and still be thinking like herself.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

speaking of big...

Omg...she must be off the subway diet and on the McDonald's one. Though she possesses aspects that go under the common eye; unknown to all she could actually change into a gorgeous and stunning supermodel. Since people recognize her as a hot model named Ashley Crawford no one suspected her to be Big Bertha who weighed a mere 750 lbs and grew to 7' 4''...bigger than Strong Guy??..yup! Her superhero size is also a name of a driver for those who play golf, very ironic.

Total guido.

By looking at him you can tell he is a Guido...and the fact that his actual name was Guido Carosella is just too perfect. This mammoth of a manimal has superhuman powers such as strength and endurance, which he increases by releasing kinetic energy...One who got a bunch of money at young age and would spend it all quickly rightfully had the correct name. Known as Strong Guy, he stuck out if you can't see from the picture. Haha. At a mere 7' and 750 lbs. he actually held his own against other huge fighters the Blob and the Hulk.

Friday, December 4, 2009

...Dr. DOOM!

Ya, a pretty BA name if I were to be a villian...But back to the story, after recalculating the parts he thought were wrong and changing the settings, the machine transports them across the world while altering their physical attributes. Thus, the Fantastic 4 and Dr. Doom. Victor now has powers that control any objects that are metal and has a metal armor per say that protects his body from others. Some other tid bits of his wickedness...he can form projectiles of his liquified armor and can muster some poisonous gas from the remains of his organs that poduces a so-called "deathbreathe." I can't imagine how his other gases are? Haha.

Victor who?..

This upcoming superhero, as you might have guessed, fights for those on the side of evil. First known as Victor Vann Damme, a braniac at age 12 that went to school for those who are extremely smart becomes good friends with another boy genius named Reed Richards. Victor, one that was never much of the social type ends up helping out his good friend Reed on his robotic designs. Some 9 yrs. later, as Reed is putting the finishing touches on his N-Zone transporter, Victor goes behind Reed's back and changes some of the settings before the test because he believed they were faulty...