Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Another silver superhero?..

Known as the Silver Samurai...like Capt. America, he also sacrificed much to serve his country, Japan. And also like capt america, he also has one weapon that he uses to dominate his opponents. It is his silver sword that generates an extremely powerful energy field and thus slices almost anything and everything it comes into contact with...ouch! Not only did he have this power, he was an extremely skilled master in martial arts, the art od bushido, the art of weilding a katana....ya..he could dice you up into sushi. And the fact that he had a steel alloy suite on that acted as his body armour, he was tough to take down....If all those reasons of him being an intimidating humanoid didn't scare you, he was 6'6" and 250 lbs. without the armour.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


If there was ever a man that loved his country, I would have to say it was the one and only Captain America. This so-called captain (actual name Steve Rogers) was actually a scrawny industrialization student when he attempted to get in WW II as a soldier...considering his physique he was kindly rejected and given a alternative way to serve the country he loved so much. Little did he know he would soon become very powerful in war-like situations due to Operation Rebirth. As the test subject he was given and injected with the "Super Soldier Serom" that ended up enhancing his muscle mass and reflexes. I never knew Capt. America was a steroid user (haha). He even had another name that was quite funny, Star-Spangled Avenger. Even with all this muscle and power, he only used one weapon, his vibranium-metal alloy shield. He did tragically get killed by the way many other U.S. icons died, by a snipers bullet that pierced his shoulder. Yet that wasn't the one that did him in...it was actually several shots from point blank by a lady that had been brainwashed. Once again, a tragic ending to an american hero.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Silver Surfer

Back in the day, there were slaves who had to work for thier masters...Like this, the Silver Surfer acted as a slave for the eater of planets, Galactus. This invader came to their planet, Zenn-La, after getting through the defense system and was in search for another planet to devour. Fortunately, these people lived on a planet that was technologically advanced and extremely old (been there a long time), it was also a so-called utopia...that is because on Zenn-La, there was no hunger, poverty, disease, crime, and specific wants of any kind. So of course the people weren't going to let this destroyer demolish their planet. So a man known as Norrin Radd confronted Galactus and made a deal with him...He would be the slave that would go place to place in search for him to destroy other places in exchange for skipping his own. The invader agreed to such an offer and turned Norrin into this silver-skinned supersonic being that could fly on a silver board...a sufers dream. He can also go without sleep, food, rest, water, etc....he honestly is indestructable...being able to survive the hottest heat and coldest temperatures. The coolest thing about his board is that it creates cosmic energy that he can use at any time and can travel at speeds faster than the speed of light, which is very freakin fast.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

fattest superhero

They call him BLOB, as if his name doesn't descibe him enough... If you could ever imagine a human bowling ball, this would be the person you could see. He stood at a stout 5'10 and weighed 510 lbs...Are you kidding me? That is just unheard of. He actually believed he was a freak and so put himself in a carnival and used his huge body and superhuman strength, along with durability, to impress whoever cared to watch. He actually was invited to the X-Men headquarters, but the big dummy refused to join them and tried to fight them...where he obviously lost. One of the more funny powers he possessed was as long as he was on the ground, nothing could move him...talk about a human wall. He also didn't feel pain, which would be realistic since his body is so big that the fat would just absorb anything thrown at him (including bullets and missiles). I think the worst think he could possibly do is sit on you, especially with that jockstrap of his. Haha

Monday, September 21, 2009


Out of all the names I've heard, this one is probably the lamest....First of all, the name doesn't really describe him the least one bit, it didn't have anything to do with the sun and it wasn't a doctor. Considering Doctor Sun was a robot controlled by a living brain who's power hungriness got him to download himself into computer systems... it seems his powers were pretty lame as well. Though there was a reason he did this, he was trying to increase mobility and gain the power of the Sphinx, which he later did gain and ended up taking down the Fantastic Four. Except Mr. Fantastic had built the so-called robot shell that Dr. Sun had become the ruler over until the robot went to its original program and destroyed itself along with the conscienceness of Dr. Sun...what an interesting life cycle huh.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

"I Am Iron Man"

What a awesome movie! When I first saw this in theaters, I was simply blown away by the special affects...If you haven't seen the movie, you definitely better. Iron Man, like Batman , was a self-made superhero. He wasn't bitten by a spider or involved in a rediculous radiation spill, he instead was almost killed by exploding shrapnel and then was captured. Tony Stark, while nearly dying ends up making himself an almost unstoppable force and frees himself rather easily. Not only is he extremely smart, he is a complete beast when clothed in his Iron Man armor suite. In case you loved the first movie like I did, there is thankfully an Iron Man 2 coming out in 2010 so get ready.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Wolverine...not only is he a mutant that can he regenerate damaged or destroyed parts of his body while growing three razor-sharp claws from each hand, he also always has perfect combed back hair and some sweet sideburns. Haha. But those are just some of the abilities he possesses. He is so cool, he even got a movie named after him, apart from being in the X-Men films. He also has acute hearing (tracking any creature with a great amount of success), knows almost every way to kill you in hand-to-hand combat (trained in martial arts, as a soldier, a C.I.A. operative, a samurai, and a spy), knows how to handle anything that can do damage or come in handy (weapons, vehicles, computers, etc.), doesn't age (probable well a century or two), and speaks many languages (9 others total, not including English). Yet, that is still not all that is rediculous about him...his skeletal structure is artificially bonded to the nearly indestructible metal Adamantium. The last ability he has is he can drink as much alcohol as he wants without becoming intoxicated!...a college students fantasy


Carnage!...the name pretty much says how bad ass he really is. First of all, if you have ever seen Spider-Man 3, then you know who Venom is (similar to Spidey, but stronger, meaner, tougher, and has a black-colored suite unlike the red/blue Spidey outfit). Secondly, you would know that he is not on the good side and fights for those that are evil. Carnage, like Venom, is formed as a symbiote latches on to a regular human being and forms this monster. The poor and wretched soul he morphs with is unfortunately a cerial killer named Cletus Kasady...What are the odds? Even though Venom is stronger than Spider-Man, Carnage is even tougher than Venom and possesses super-human strength, speed, stamina, healing and resistance to injury. And you thought Venom was bad?...

Thursday, September 17, 2009


If your looking for ugly and odd, you would find the superhero Gateway. He not only looks like a skinny monkey man, but he also has a white neck beard and long flowing hair the same color. He is supposedly from somewhere in Australia and his real name is unknown to everyone except himself...which he refuses to let others know. He simply has one power and one power only. He could teleport to wherever he pleased, which would be sweet right?..Not to him. He was forced into service by a band of criminal cyborgs who used Gateway's teleportational abilities to travel from place to place. Now your probalby thinking he could've just teleported and not had to work for anyone, but that would've been false. He unfortunately had to obey these cyborgs becasue if he refused, they would destroy a place sacred to his people. Don't you just hate working for people you don't like...


While there are many superhero's I don't really understand, Douglock is one that just doesn't sound that cool. His actual name was Warlock and he was from some other alien planet where he just happened to venture to Earth and meet up with those X-Men in Professor Charles Xavier's mansion. He got this alias after spending a lot of time with Doug Ramsey and actually combined to form one. He actually used his powers to act like a human being when surrounded by the public. But he does have something cool, that is, if you are one who enjoys speaking different languages. He can speak and understand any language in the world and is also extremely smart. If you happen to be majoring in languages, this is the guy for you.


Randomly looking for supehero's , I found one very interesting from the X-Men franchise. The name of this superhero is Maggot. Haha, I know, what a name right? Though suprisingly, the name matches him quite well. Somehow, his digestive system would come out of his body, being bio mechanical maggots, which would eat anything and give him superhuman strength. And if that wasn't weird enough, he also turns blue as he gets this strength. What a odd superhero huh?