Saturday, October 31, 2009


Though you may not see him as a superhero, he is "a machine"...I chose Arnold, the Governator, mainly due to the fact that this Halloween..that is who I am!! Crazy I know. Maybe not a superhero...he is a machine that uses guns and its strength to take care of business. What makes the costume so great is that I have the voice to go with it. Yeahlhlhlll... "Get to da choppa" Hope everyone has a great Hween and be safe like everyone keeps talking about...plan on seeing you all Monday.

Monday, October 26, 2009


If you have ever seen the Predator movies you know how ugly these monsters are...seriously extremely fugly. Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of the main characters in one of the movies so if you haven't you should watch it very soon! It's a classic. But ya, this carving is SICKK and spot on with the facial features...Even though Predator is probably not considered a superhero, this carving was too good to pass and not write about.

Pumpkin Carving

I've always enjoyed carving designs on pumpkins and this Wednesday, Oct. 28th, there is extreme pumpkin carving at Granville Towers West from 9-11 pm in the lounge. This definitely caught my eye and if your a fan of carving, you should for sure show up and get down and gooey. Haha. Anyways, thinking about what I could carve and also blog about, I decided to look up some carvings on google. There I surprisingly found a carving that had a little superhero I had recently blogged about. It was Mario!!! Whoever did it did a good job too so props to them...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


What a stud muffin...not. Haha. I like people dressing up for Halloween, but this guy is not fitting the bill. He definitely needs to fix that wardrobe malfunction. This dude had the right idea..yet he didn't quite get the memo about Spidey's full costume (mask). This picture did make me laugh though and I thank it for that.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

More MOO-age

"Itsa me Mario!!" Though they might not be considered superheroes...they are brothers that can whoop some a$& in an assortment of video games. Mario and Luigi can both jump super high, grow to absurd sizes, and each can throw fireballs...ya I said fireballs. These two can take down many enemies though the most recognizable foe is Bowzer...He is like a emo turtle on steroids and covered in spikes. In simple terms, Mario is the man and Luigi is more of a side kick.


In this photo featuring Nite Owl and Rorschach, the costumes are lame compared to the actual costumes in the Watchmen Movie...I think they need to make Dr. Manhattan's costume an official one (haha)...if you know what he looks like you would be laughing to. For those who don't know what his costume consists of...the outfit would be nothing, except for some magical blue paint that glows. Even though he wears nothing, his powers are unbelievable. All he has to do is wave his hand and people pretty much evaporate. It is pretty much like a Star Wars hand motion but instead of controling that person the hand is waved at, the other person blows up. Anyways, this photo is solid and is based on classic comic book characters.

Monday, October 12, 2009


WHY SO SERIOUS??....This picture can be seen two different ways:1) This parent doesn't know he looks so creepy or 2) this kid is getting kidnapped by some random person that offered the little kid candy...haha. I kind of enjoy this picture because it is pretty funny that the parent got all decked out with their child. Do you enjoy when your parents dress up for Halloween with you? Do you tell them they can't dress up because you don't want to get embarrassed? Or do you not care whether your parents get in the spirit of Halloween and go all out in costume?...Tell me what you all think about the pic and these questions presented.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Now this is the Superhero/Halloween spirit that more people need to be a part of...haha. What a great group of friends that got together and decided to be superheroes for a night filled with trick-or-treating and candy masticating. I think some of the
costumes of the men are just a lil bit too small, but I guess the girls will enjoy seeing them in their "bulging" costumes. If you have anything to say about this photo please speak up because I'm sure there are some funny things you can pick out in this interesting photo...Who do you think is manlier (not in general, in this photo), Superman or Batman?...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Month of October Outfits (MOO)

Sitting around not sure what to blog about I realized HALLOWEEN was coming up soon!! This excited me because in Oct. I've never been to Franklin St. during such a time and I heard it is rediculous with all the outfits and what not. I am also excited because my bday is during this month! WOOP WOOP. Anyways, I found this superhero outfit that I thought was funny. Tell me what you think about Flash, is he actually superfast or supercute?

I have always been a fan of him, but I'm not sure if this Flash could reach the speeds he is capable of. Haha. Get back to me if you think this look looks good or if he needs to be a bit older to pull it off such an outfit.