Monday, October 12, 2009


WHY SO SERIOUS??....This picture can be seen two different ways:1) This parent doesn't know he looks so creepy or 2) this kid is getting kidnapped by some random person that offered the little kid candy...haha. I kind of enjoy this picture because it is pretty funny that the parent got all decked out with their child. Do you enjoy when your parents dress up for Halloween with you? Do you tell them they can't dress up because you don't want to get embarrassed? Or do you not care whether your parents get in the spirit of Halloween and go all out in costume?...Tell me what you all think about the pic and these questions presented.


  1. I love love love the way you started this post. It's really funny, or scary. I personally enjoy that my parents get dressed up. However, I'm pretty sure I used to get embarrased 3 years ago.

  2. Haha three years ago huh...was that when you stopped getting embarrased?..well I'm glad you've matured per say and don't get upset with them anymore because I enjoy older people getting all dressed up for an exciting holiday.
