Monday, November 30, 2009

Ohh ya...Booster

If you look to the left of Turboman you will see a big fuzzy pink dog-like figure. That figure is named Booster and he is like the sidekick of the flying superhero Turboman....I'm not sure what he can do, but I'm assuming it is something cool. I would consider him to be the Robin of Batman and the R2D2 of C3PO...haha.

Give me that Turboman Doll !

If you ever watch television during the holidays you are bound to see some kind of movie that is supposed to put you in the holiday spirit...Last night flipping through channels I found this classic Jingle All The Way. Considering I'm a huge Arnold Schwarzenegger fan, I had to watch his Christmas movie. I don't know whether I like him because he is just a beast or whether it is because I love to laugh at his voice?..but he's the man regardless. Back to the movie, if you haven't ever seen it, it is about a father that is always late to his sons events and is having a tough time with his wife. As he looks for this toy, which his son wants, he runs into this police officer and mail man throughout his journey for the doll...with much humor between you'll most likely enjoy it. The character he ends up dressing up as is the superhero Turboman, awesome I know.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The BF hero

I only thought it would be right to pick the Black Panther the weekend after Black Friday ......this superhero had his senses enhanced and physical attributes increased by extreme levels due to a heart-shaped herb, weird I know. He fights by using animal mimicry and also acrobatic moves...and surprisingly he has his Ph.D in physics. Some other cools things about him, he can pick up satellite signals, is bulletproof, and has vibranium soles on his boots and thus can walk up walls. Ya sweet huh?..

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Blue Beard?/?..

The BEAST!!...What an original name huh>>?> This mutant is awesome and extremely hairy like all my other November blog specimens. First known as Henry McCoy this young man while working at a nuclear power plant was exposed to massive radiation spill that ended up altering his genes. This made him extremely smart and unbelievably hairy...kinda reminds me of myself. Haha. Despite his bulk and massive body, he has superhuman strength, agility, and speed. Also like a monkey, he is very acrobatic and is durable enough to live from a 3 story fall.

Happy Holidays

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!...I hope everyone eats a bunch of turkey and has a great break. Hope all the families are doing well too. Enjoy this little video as well...sry it wouldn't come up on a video format and so you'll have to watch it on a different link.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

My Favorite Heroes

yes!! I have always been a huge fan of the TMNT...(Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) Ever since I can remember I've either enjoyed playing with the action figures or video games, loved watching the show, and even went to the movie that was in theater's. That same movie, I showed up dressed as a Leonardo, the blue Ninja Turtle. Haha. The little kids were laughing at me and I even go a couple chuckles out of parents, perfect. Anyways, the bearded one is called Master Splinter and he is the one that taught them all they know...He is the man, or should I say rat...Hahha.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Dr. Walter Langkowski is a Canadian scientist who has the ability to turn himself into a humungous, hulking, behemoth, colossal, mountainous, monumental, gargantuan, beastly, hairy, animalistic, dark-haired, bearded, bewhiskered, woolly, unshaven, fleecy, bushy, shedding, fuzzy, rough, fleacy, barbaric, wretched, foul, stunning, frightening, imposing, and intimidating monster with superhuman strength amongst many other qualities....AKA===> Sasquatch. And yes, I did use 28 adjectives to describe the monster!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Unknown Hero

Though Christmas is not here yet, many probably do not know about the bearded hero, Santaman....HAha. Yes I know, I did not know he was a superhero too. Anyways, when I first saw him I thought that he was Superman in the later years..but I was wrong! Considering Santa is real, I definitely believe that Santaman is a true superhero;)....If your a man grow a beard!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

guess what is back...

U might have guessed it.... No Shave November is once again in full swing. I only thought it right to thus talk about one who has just a smidge of facial hair, Tony Stark....also known as Ironman. This hero not only made himself this awesome superhero, but even made his own suit from scrap metal. This suave and self-made superhero was created because after being captured, making this character that would get him out alive was his only option. One of the many features that he built within the suit are the repulsor rays and the flamethrower...ya that would be pretty cool to have.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

NSN comes to a halt since we had a fundraiser for our team...I had to look reasonable and shave:( Now I feel like Bruce Banner, also known as the Hulk, who is clean shaven just like me. I was looking forward to not shaving for quite some time, but the Executive Cup (fundraiser) caused me to change my look and remove all my facial hair. This kinda made me mad!.."You don't wana see me when I'm angry!.." I think I might turn green too and start growing a couple feet while becoming almost 1500 lbs. Haha. Watch out....

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

By the Beard of Zeus!

Now this is some gnarly facial hair...Walking around campus you see guys growing beards, especially in the colder months of fall and right around winter time. That said, there is no one that ever has a beard as long and free flowing as ZEUS'. For as long as I can remember he has always been seen with such a curly beard that I can't imagine how this immortal would look. This God of Gods also has some other qualities that define him...He can throw lightning bolts as he chooses and looks over all from Mount Olympus. I would see him as a good superhero that protects many and fights those that challenge those other good people/gods.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Back to the Basics

Today it is November 1st...and that means "No Shave November (NSN)" has officially started. This is very exciting personally because I'm not the biggest fan of shaving and now I have a reason not to. This month is going to be exciting to blog as well because now I can see how many either hairy or bearded superheroes there are...Haha. So looking for the first one I found THOR. What a BA name, right?.. He is known as a beast of a man for quite a few reasons, but the first to are...he is 6'6" and weighed a whopping 640 lbs. If that isn't a beast idk what is..He also had much denser bones than a normal human and could use mystical powers to build up momentus amounts of energy and strength for battle. The hammer you see in the pic is one that even dented Capt. America's shield...which is indestructable. This hammer also can slay immortals with the help of godly energies from storms he can produce.