Tuesday, November 3, 2009

By the Beard of Zeus!

Now this is some gnarly facial hair...Walking around campus you see guys growing beards, especially in the colder months of fall and right around winter time. That said, there is no one that ever has a beard as long and free flowing as ZEUS'. For as long as I can remember he has always been seen with such a curly beard that I can't imagine how this immortal would look. This God of Gods also has some other qualities that define him...He can throw lightning bolts as he chooses and looks over all from Mount Olympus. I would see him as a good superhero that protects many and fights those that challenge those other good people/gods.

1 comment:

  1. I think super heroes are cool...always there to save the day...i never really knew much about the roman gods except from English class in high school..
